
November 13, 2012

Sorry I have been away for so long. I started a daily challenge on my other blog (the non-journal one) and it is a daily task! It’s quite tricky, too. It’s an instagram challenge, meaning I am challenging people to take instagram pictures to share with the world based on a daily theme… only it is so hard to get there pictures! I know all about privacy, that’s why I make them tag me if they want me to share. But I have to screen shot their pictures, then re-instagram them, share them on Facebook, and then save the Facebook picture. For some reason, the screen shot doesn’t save after I instagram it. It’s dumb, stressful, but at the same time, my favorite part of the day!

It’s really making me think about the things I love and am thankful for. It’s helping me explore my creative writing abilities and I like that it is stretching me to new limits. Someday, when I am a professional blogger and people approach me to do cool giveaways and guest posts, I will look back on this challenge as an awesome intro to a great adventure.

On another note, I have three weeks left until finals week. And one of those weekends is a holiday. I really couldn’t be more excited. But also stressed. I might start breaking out again. All this stress. Finals, assignments, daily challenge… and I just want to cook and watch TV and eat. And blog. Thank you blog and readers for listening to my rants. I didn’t know how stressed I was until I let my fingers start typing and let them tell me how I really feel inside. Writing does that to you. It expresses things you don’t always know about yourself. I don’t like to be a ranting blogger… that’s lame and people don’t want to read lame sad stories all the time. Hopefully it won’t happen again.. soon anyways! 😉

Guess I better start that research paper now…

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